
Posted on: 1 December 2023
Summer is here and with it comes the sweltering heat. While you might be tempted to brave the heat and save on electricity bills by not turning your air conditioning on,

About Me

Does Your Air Conditioner Make Your Allergies Worse? I suffer from terrible allergies, and it seems I’ve passed that onto my kids. Of course, the changing of the seasons makes it worse, but I always assumed we were safer indoors. I never realised that my air conditioner could be blowing in dust mites and pollen, making it worse. Fortunately I took the time to do some research, and happened to find this amazing online resource which showed me all the ways to minimise the impact of the air conditioner on our allergies. It can be as easy as installing higher density filters, and making sure the unit is professionally cleaned on a regular basis. Trust me, your sinuses will thank you for it. Mine certainly did.